Burdens to Buoyancy

by Lauren Scott

Stones of burdens can seem like pebbles

barely tripping us up in our routines,

but sometimes, they’re boulder massive,

sliding us deeply into our heads

when the need to escape

from our own selves

becomes vital for our sanity.

We pause in our footsteps,

holding our breath, fighting tears

pushing as fiercely as a category five,

but then our eyes look out the window

following sunlight, focusing on the frost

hanging on tips of tree branches

as though adorned by sparkling jewels…

they wink at us

and those boulders shrink to pebbles,

with the sweetness of air 

we inhale new life,

burdens we exhale

so we can breathe in miracles surrounding us – 

in those who hold our hearts,

in every sight, every bloom, every sound…

How liberating to feel such buoyancy!

© Lauren Scott



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