Change the frequency!

by Manuela Timofte

As a woman and an incurable romantic, I enjoy listening to romantic music. Although it doesn’t mean that I listen to it all the time, I play it whenever I feel like it. However, people have often told me to “change the frequency” throughout my life, including those with whom I share my daily life.

It’s easy to suggest disliking something, but not so easy when you enjoy it. At that moment, I felt like that person was looking out for my inner good. I didn’t know that by changing the radio frequency, I was pleasing them, not myself. I didn’t realize I was suppressing my soul and making fun of myself.

It was a game born of their desire for control, and control doesn’t come from sincere love. It leads the selfish love. Additionally, my attitude of not saying anything except to please them proved how afraid I was not to upset, not to disturb, not to be… I don’t know. Find the most suitable word. Certainly, my attitude did not come from love either, but only from fear.

Fear is the lowest emotion that exploits us as much as it can. Its vibration differs from other emotions, but like any other emotion, it has its vibrational energy. When we feel its energy too strongly, our body absorbs it and causes the body’s energy field to become unbalanced. Fear has the same vibrational frequency as only fear. That’s why I said in other articles and the book “Recipe for Happiness” that we are afraid of fear, and thoughts born of fear will be negative thoughts.

We are energy in motion. The body is made up of cells, and each cell has a vibrational frequency and an energy field. These energetic particles act as a whole. Thus, the body is based on an energy field that resonates with a certain frequency of vibration. In stressful conditions, this frequency is reduced, and the body is under pressure. Thoughts trigger a stress response and we will experience restlessness, insecurity, and anger.

Thoughts, whether positive or negative, set our emotions in motion. At the base of thought, we generate the emotion that vibrates with that thought, and emotions determine our behaviours.

Thinking negatively will not attract positive things. Thinking that you are a victim will bring people and events into your life path that resonate on the same frequency as your thoughts. What you will experience will confirm that you are a victim. The thought that you can’t have money or that you don’t deserve it will attract a lack of money or loss. What you think is what you attract.

At the root of any disease or stress are emotions, traumas, memories from the subconscious”.

Dr. Darren Weissman

In the ancient world, it was known that negative emotions are stored in the body and affect its functioning. The body is represented by the subconscious mind, which does not differentiate between an emotional response to a life experience and an emotion fabricated from our thoughts. Everything is the same for it. That’s why the body will take any emotion for granted. Thus, it is our thinking that makes us sick.

For everything that troubles and hurts us, we tend to look outside ourselves for solutions. We blame others, cry, and complain because we like to feel like victims. However, the solution isn’t in anyone or anything outside of you. The solution was and is always within us, where our emotions are.

What is the solution? Change the frequency of vibration. You change the frequency when you listen to something on the radio and do not like it. It is what you have to do with emotions, too. Turn the knob inside you and change the frequency of vibration to the frequency of the heart.

So, how do you do it? Bring your mind down within, into the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying for years. Don’t carry it on your back all your life! Bring your mind down into your soul. Unleash your emotions, listen to your soul, and follow it. Analyze your emotions, and accept them, forgiving yourself and everyone and everything you feel you need to forgive. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.

You are the only one responsible for your life. We are a universe in miniature, and our soul is the centre of our universe. It is the source of energy that manifests what you want, and you are what you believe! If you want to live differently than you have done so far, change the frequency!

Love, Manuela

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11 comentarios sobre “Change the frequency!

  1. I became involved with a serious narcissist who was «grooming» me to behave toward him in ways that would best support his fragile ego. If I did not behave the way he thought I should or say precisely what he wanted me to say, he said hurtful things that I will never forget and gave me the silent treatment, believing this would force me to do what he wanted. In reality, it drove me away from him. But I still cry and long for him and feel guilty for standing up for myself. I feel that I’m failing him in some way by not being there with him. «Changing the frequency» is excellent advice, and it takes time and a lot of courage to do. But it’s better to go through the process than to be constantly hurt, disparaged, and demeaned.

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    1. We are all e-motions and desire relationships built on genuine love. Those who are unable to offer this kind of love may have unresolved traumas buried in their subconscious that they are either unaware of or unwilling to confront. On the other hand, those who give too much in a relationship may be doing so as a result of stored negative emotions (I am talking from my experience). In both cases, these traumas often stem from events that occurred in early childhood and resulted in a lack of self-worth and love. This leads to feelings of guilt, indifference, submission, and victimization, and attract people with similar emotional frequencies. To overcome these traumas, it is necessary to identify these moments in the mind, accept them, forgive them, and fully experience the associated pain to ultimately dissolve them. We all possess the courage to embark on this journey, but it is often buried under our traumas. In the end, the decision to confront and resolve these issues belongs to us.
      Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, Dawn!

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      1. Yes, my narcissist definitely suffered from childhood trauma, but since he would not get help for himself, he will never change. I could not help him as a result, and I could only help myself by walking away. I also suffered from childhood trauma, but I had enough insight to get help. If people have no insight, they will react but not get the help they need.

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