Creeps by Nolcha Fox & Barbara Leonhard

I don’t have to watch
late-night fright shows
to get a bad case of the creeps.
Pretenders and swindlers
lurk on my computer,
preying on naivete.
The monsters in fright shows
dissolve at the ending.
I know I can sleep peacefully.
The creeps on the web
aim to get me to trust them
so I’ll send them photos
or give them my money,
and shame me for being a fool.

Not to mention 
the lonely men - 
or so they pose as -
who steal accounts,
prey on my kindness 
only to DM me daily, 
calling me “dear”, 
say they are God-fearing, 
flag-waving patriots. 
They ask for photos, 
call on Messenger.
“How are you, Dear? 
You haven’t been in touch.
I’m so worried about you.”
The ghouls haunt 
my living minutes.
So I ghost them.

Don’t call me “dear,”
you don’t know 
if I’m a sweetheart
or a bitch. I know
it’s prelude to 
a smarmy move.
That’s the first hint
I should ghost you,
feign that you are dead.
Don’t reach out
when I go silent,
what never was.
Don’t assume
I’m simply busy.
Be a good ghoul,
go away.
Raised to be accommodating, 
maybe too kind to the forlorn.
 But I’m no polite girl, 
ready to concede or comply 
to con artists, members 
of lonely-hearts clubs, 
predators posing in pretty smiles. 
To thine own self, not true, you!


Barbara Leonhard is an internationally-known prize-winning poet and Pushcart nominee. She is especially indebted to Well Versed 2021: A Collection of Poetry and Prose and Spillwords Press for past honors. Her debut poetry collection, Three-Penny Memories: A Poetic Memoir (Experiments in Fiction, 2022), which is about her relationship with her mother, who suffered from Alzheimer’s, is a best seller on Amazon. Barbara is also Editor for MasticadoresUSA. You can follow her at

Nolcha Fox’s poems have been published in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Alien Buddha Zine, Medusa’s Kitchen, and others. Her poetry books are available on Amazon and Dancing Girl Press. Nominee for 2023 Best of The Net. Editor for Open Arts Forum. Accidental interviewer/reviewer. Faker of fake news.

Twitter: @FoxNolcha

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